In 2008 it seemed like everywhere I looked I found Green "this and that". Green was "The Word" of 2008, and everyone was on the bandwagon encouraging a newer and Greener way of thinking - on every subject under the sun - from cleaning products to automobiles. It is my hope that Thinking Green was not a trend, but the beginning of a new way of life. Greener choices in all aspects of our lives are available, and it is important to make the effort to "Go Green" whenever possible.
Earth friendly Party Planning options are one way to make a change towards Going Green. Consider how each decision you make in your party planning process affects the environment, and consider using a more environmentally friendly alternative.
We at Events Extraordinaire can assist you with incorporating greener options, and with locating eco friendly products.
We at Events Extraordinaire can assist you with incorporating greener options, and with locating eco friendly products.
Each of us making small steps towards a greener lifestyle can make a big difference.
Check out our Greener Events page at, or visit our Eco Friendly Event Blog at:
Contact us for more information, and have fun planning your next Green Event!