Capturing memories

You only have one chance to capture the special moments and occassions in your life, so make sure you place someone in charge of taking photographs, and possibly video. Don't let these special moments go unrecorded.
Hiring a professional photographer for your wedding or special event will guarantee you have quality photos from your day. A trusted friend or relative, who is well trained in the use of their camera and scene set up is also an option.
Be certain to give the photographer a list of specific poses and group pictures that you desire. You will be busy the day of the event, and won't remember what you want - so it's important to have your photographer keep to the list. There are no Do Overs.
Contact your wedding or event planner for a list of reliable photographers in your area. Look through the photographers sample book - and Smile!

Unique ceremony locations

When it comes to planning a wedding or special event, the first step is choosing a location. Have you ever considered any of the following locations for your special day?

* A Labyrinth Wedding - check out this site for ideas. This isn't a local California company, but it can offer ideas.

* A Hot Air Balloon Ride - Maybe a quick ride after the ceremony?

* A Lake Tahoe Cruise aboard a boat like the Tahoe Queen.

Or possibly consider the following suggestions:

Near an Historic Landmark such as San Francisco's Coit Tower, or at a local Art Gallery or Museum.

On a Covered bridge (Such as at Knight's Ferry, CA)

At a ski resort - during the off season

At small winery or brewery - make special arrangements to use the grounds privately

Thinking outside the box may save you money, as some unusual locations are less expensive than traditional locations, and will create a memorable experience for everyone. Check with your wedding or event planner for additional suggestions.